Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Friday, February 14, 2003  

Don't people actually just, you know, study at university any more?

On March 5, University of Nebraska-Lincoln students will have a chance to vote on three major issues affecting the university:
The small details college students shouldn't have to worry about;
Money, specifically budget cuts and student fees;
Or the worldwide overthrow of the Gregorian calendar.
This last issue is the main goal of John Matzen, the independent party candidate for this year's ASUN election.
"I don't think it's fair for kids to learn the 30 days past September, and then figure out why there are 28 days in February," Matzen said. "The Gregorian calendar is ridiculous. We need to convert the world. Having the ASUN recognize the Matzenian calendar is a stepping stone to getting this done."

posted by James Russell | 9:50 PM

what the critics have said