Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Sunday, November 03, 2002  

George Kelly takes on Salman Rushdie.

It's like this, bro: Antiwar liberals, peace-minded progressives and a slew of folks who don't fit the previously mentioned profiles but whom I still feel I can straight-facedly call My Peoples didn't prefer the continuation of Taliban rule to U.S. intervention. So don't tell that lie out of some get-back urge. We're not rooting for terrorists, for Bin Laden, for the Iraqi status quo, for Bali nightclub blasts, suicide bombings and sharia stonings. [...]
We (the aforementioned My Peoples) have been Cassandra-ing ourselves blue in the face over all the things you spend the rest of your editorial pointing out about use of force in Afghanistan (and likely use in Iraq), high-handed unilateralist big-bank-take-little-bank attitude and so on. We're not ignoring Chalabi; I'm not ignoring him. There's more going on than a little high-test 200-proof Moral Clarity (available at finer search engines; ask for it by name!) can camouflage.

posted by James Russell | 4:45 PM

what the critics have said