Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Sunday, November 03, 2002  

A right royal scandal narrowly averted?

The collapse of the trial of Princess Diana's butler just as he was to take the witness stand will fuel suspicions that the royal family deliberately wrecked the case to suppress potentially embarrassing evidence, The Guardian suggested yesterday.
Paul Burrell's testimony would have been "long, detailed and extremely interesting", his legal team told the newspaper. [...]
On Friday all charges were dropped. Mr Burrell was alleged to have stolen 310 items belonging to Diana and her two sons after her 1997 death.
The Guardian speculated that if Mr Burrell had given evidence, he might well have been questioned about his service in the Queen's own employment - he was her footman for 10 years - as well as in Diana's. In an interview with detectives, which was read out in court, there were hints of what might have been disclosed. [...]
After the acquittal, Mr Burrell collapsed into the arms of Lord Carlisle. "I am thrilled, I am thrilled," he sobbed. "The Queen has come through for me."

By the sound of things it wasn't necessarily you she was coming through for. All very strange, this one...

posted by James Russell | 3:30 PM

what the critics have said