Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Sunday, December 01, 2002  

I had a feeling I'd regret doing this, and normally I can't stand people making trainwrecks of themselves, but couldn't resist... as a follow-up to the post about the almighty storm in a teacup over at the Greatest Jeneration, here's the latest. That "thought crime" post? Here's what's left of it:

[I deleted this post--doesn't happen often!--due to ennui, nausea and a sudden onset of maturity and perspective!
I could give a rat's *ss about delinking!
To quote the dialogue from Ed Wood's epic film "Plan 9 from Outer Space": "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"--J.T.]

Here Jen demonstrates the effects of her enlightenment:

But those blogtrolls were RIGHT! Who knew? I *don't* want Leftist Liberal invective, vitriol and verbal abuse disguised as "feedback!"
I don't want to hear The Other SideĀ®D.N.C.!
I'm not even really interested in the "Centrist" Middle and if you're smart, you won't be either.
I don't care if you call yourself a "Conservative" Dimocrat or a "Liberal" Republican: I call you an IDIOT.
Take it outside and don't come back!
So, I nuked the Comments section! Whoo-Hoo!! This could be *too* fun!
You'll have to email me if you have something to say about the blog and if you're nice, I'll email you back (more likely than not)!
Have a nice day and don't forget to vote G.O.P.--We're bigots. We're intolerant.
And they don't call us the Right for nothing!

Maturity, perspective and stupid stupid stupid all right...

posted by James Russell | 4:21 PM

what the critics have said