Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Sunday, December 15, 2002  

My heart's not in this at the moment. OzBlogdom's in a bit of a snit over some of the comments attached to this post from Tim Dunlop. The right is taking shots at the left. The left is taking shots at the right. Idiots are taking shots at Christmas. Some other folks are obsessed with taking shots at Michael Moore. The government's trying to whip fear of smallpox. A commission into police corruption allegedly caused the deaths of drug addicts by deliberately supplying them with overly strong smack. Parts of Pakistan are "Talibanising". Ivory Coast rebels are declaring war on the French. Robert Mugabe's declaring war on white people. Fuckwits are desecrating war graves. The French are pissed off about stupid symbols. And the fortune cookie I got after my meal at the Chinese restaurant in Hornsby I went to last night had the fucking nerve to tell me "Good health will be yours for a long time".

Insert scream here.

Don't mind me, though, I'm just having one of my occasional but more frequent than I'd like freakouts at the world and the fucking idiots who infest the place. I'm just tired of it. I look at my blogroll and I just don't want to know about it any more. I'm over the blogosphere. I'm sick of the sniping and hatred. I'm angry at myself for engaging in it myself. Most of all I'm well and truly over the vile summer heat which does nothing to improve my mood, and maybe I'll feel more like myself tomorrow if the temperature goes down... but I suspect not. Changes may or may not be afoot here soon.

On a brighter note, Ted Barlow's blogging again. I'll have him back on my blogroll shortly.

posted by James Russell | 5:30 PM

what the critics have said