Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Friday, February 14, 2003  

Dutch artist set to marry herself.

A Dutch artist is to marry herself to show people how much she loves the different sides of her character.
Jennifer Hoes, 29, has ordered a complete wedding party, wedding dress and marriage certificate.
She told Haarlem's Dagblad newspaper: "I want to celebrate with others how much I'm in love with myself." [...]
Ms Hoes said she doesn't rule out a more conventional wedding at some stage in the future.
"But I will never divorce myself. I donĀ¹t want to become emotionally dependent from another for not being in balance with myself. This marriage is really for better or for worse," she added.

But wouldn't that be bigamy if she married someone else while already married to herself?

posted by James Russell | 7:42 PM

what the critics have said