Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Sunday, February 23, 2003  

Jim Capozzola ponders religious proselytising.

And yesterday, while taking care of some errands I was stopped by a young woman who appeared to want to ask me for directions or the time. I was wrong.
“Do you know Jesus?” she asked me.
I paused, and, not having blogged anything particularly snarky that day, my sarcastic streak emerged: “You mean the guy who owns that electronics store on Walnut Street?” I responded.
She was not amused. But then, neither was I.

Yes, but have you ever been proselytised at on a bus where you can't make an easy escape from the proselyte? I have. It was not pleasant. However, I eventually took my vengeance on him by writing him into a story wherein I made him a follower of an evil alien deity who comes to an untimely and violent end at the hands of a minion of another evil alien deity.

posted by James Russell | 5:38 PM

what the critics have said