Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Tuesday, March 25, 2003  

How American TV is coping with the war.

ABC's primetime schedule is getting an extreme makeover -- and the war with Iraq is at least partly to blame.
While all the webs continue to make last-minute nips and tucks to their nightly schedules to accommodate news coverage of the conflict, ABC made several significant changes Monday in an attempt to streamline its sked.
In addition, the network has asked producers on most of its series to turn in alternate cuts of their programs containing up to 21/2 minutes less content. That way, if the network has to break in for news updates, it won't have to join shows in progress or give up ad/promo time to make up for the time lost.

Yes, heaven forbid the latter eventuality should ever come to pass. The advertisers have clearly spoken already about the revenue the war is making them lose...

posted by James Russell | 9:13 PM

what the critics have said