Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Sunday, March 23, 2003  

If truth is the first casualty of war, is this the second?

Radio station and music video channels are keeping to guidelines to avoid playing offensive or insensitive material during the war with Iraq.
The guidelines are similar to those used in the first Gulf War of 1991, when songs were banned if they had dubious titles or lyrics.
Several stations contacted by BBC News Online on Friday said they were making sure they did not play tracks that could cause offence.
A spokeswoman for BBC Radio 2 said: "In the event of hostilities, Radio 2 operates a policy of sensitivity to the music played on the station.
"We do not have a banned list of records but are careful to reflect the mood of the country as events unfold."

They may not have a list as such, but don't tell me they haven't been specifically warned off playing certain things.

posted by James Russell | 7:07 PM

what the critics have said