Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Sunday, March 30, 2003  

Meanwhile, the war and the terror go on.

A suicide bomber in a taxi killed four American soldiers in an attack Saturday. Iraq (news - web sites)'s vice president identified the bomber as a noncommissioned Iraqi army officer and said suicide attacks will now be "routine military policy."
"We will use any means to kill our enemy in our land and we will follow the enemy into its land," Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan said. "This is just the beginning. You'll hear more pleasant news later."
The suicide bombing was the first against U.S. and British forces since the invasion began.
The bomber struck at a U.S. checkpoint on the highway north of the city of Najaf, U.S. military officers said. A taxi stopped close to the checkpoint, and the driver waved for help. The soldiers approached the car, and it exploded, Capt. Andrew Wallace told Associated Press Television News.
Wallace said the victims were part of the Army's 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division.
U.S. Central Command in Doha, Qatar, confirmed the incident, saying the soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division were killed at 10:40 a.m. when a car bomb exploded at the unit's checkpoint in central Iraq.
Maj. Gen. Gene Renuart said that kind of attack was "a symbol of an organization that's starting to get a little bit desperate."

Yes, it may well be a sign of desperation, but it's a sign that's curiously resistant to being hit by missiles. Still, now that Iraq has used suicide bombers against the Good Guys as opposed to a mere Australian cameraman, perhaps W will now see fit to try and do something about it...

posted by James Russell | 5:40 PM

what the critics have said