Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Sunday, March 23, 2003  

So I am paying for my night out with a hangover (almighty, but mercifully fading) and an all round body ache (still just almighty, particularly in the legs). When you don't do these things for a while it's amazing how out of shape you get with them. Still, no complaints from me, I enjoyed it... and it served as a kind of protest, too, to tell myself if no one else that no fucking war is going to infringe on my civil liberty in a democratic society to dress up in black, go to a badly lit club in Surry Hills, and make semi-rhythmic gyratory motions on the dancefloor with fifty other sweaty goths to the sound of 80s music, in-between drinking vodka cruisers and uttering the standard goth club lament of how much that song sucks and how you can't dance to it. You're not taking that away from me.

posted by James Russell | 12:03 PM

what the critics have said