Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Friday, April 04, 2003  

Attorney-general orders ISPs to block websites, but won't say which ones.

The Washington-based Center for Democracy and Technology had sought the list of sites to buttress its assertions that the Pennsylvania law blocks Web surfers visiting innocent sites located in the same electronic neighborhoods as those peddling illegal porn. Without the list of blocked sites, the group cannot find examples to support its claims.
Fisher's office said disclosing the list of blocked websites would itself be disseminating such pornography, which is illegal.
"The documents that you seek contain the Web addresses of Internet sites that contain such depictions," wrote L. Kinch Bowman, director of management services for the attorney general's office.
"It's really amazing to say, 'If we told you what we can't tell you, it would be breaking the law.' It means there can never be any oversight of a provision like this," said Alan Davidson, the associate director for the civil liberties group.

posted by James Russell | 8:34 PM

what the critics have said