Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Tuesday, April 15, 2003  

Australia loses asylum appeal. We've all been told to go back to our own country... oh all right, no we haven't.

Australia's federal court has ruled the government has no power to detain asylum seekers prior to deportation where they have been refused permission to enter another country.
The Federal Court dismissed Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock's appeal against Palestinian man, Akram Al Masri.
Mr Al Masri was held for eight months at the Woomera Detention centre after his application for a protection visa had failed. Mr Al Masri had been denied permission to return home either directly or via Jordan, Syria, and Egypt.
Mr Ruddock appealed against the decision that Mr Al Masri be released pending his deportation.

posted by James Russell | 9:33 PM

what the critics have said