Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Wednesday, April 16, 2003  

Christian rock band loses sales, airplay thanks to ideological incorrectness.

In a letter dated Thurdsay, April 10, Alan Meltzer of Wind-Up Records officially recalled all Evanescence products from Christian stores, Christian radio, and Christian charts.
"Despite having roots within the Christian community prior to the release of Fallen," said Meltzer in the letter, "recent statements by band members have made it abundantly clear that Evanescence is a secular band, and as such view their music as entertainment. No more, no less. As such we strongly feel that they no longer belong in Christian retail outlets. Despite the spiritual underpinning that has ignited interest and excitement in the Christian religious community, the band is now opposed to promoting or supporting any religious agenda. The decision to release Fallen into the Christian market was made subsequent to discussions with and approval by the artist. Obviously the band has had a change in their perspective, as well as changes within the band itself as relates to new band members. Wind-up deeply regrets this situation." [...]
Meltzer's comments concluded with the following. "I have no issues or problems with the band not wishing to promote a religious agenda. That is their opinion. How it has been handled is a separate issue. That being said, I do have a problem with misrepresenting the artist to the Christian community. That is not and has never been the intent of Wind-up or the band. Nevertheless, it is quite apparent that the landscape has now changed... I apologize for what has become an unfortunate and embarrassing situation. While I cannot go back and undo what has been done, going forward we will scrutinize our Christian artists' beliefs and commitment with even greater diligence. I assure you that there will not be any repeat of anything even resembling this present situation. I will personally inform all of our future artists who represent themselves as Christian artists and wish to be represented in the Christian community that in doing so they must understand the lasting and on-going commitment that involves. Those who are not 100% committed will not be offered to Christian retail."

Found this article via TMFTML, who comment: "The joke sort of makes itself, don't you think?" It would, if there were actually a joke to be made. God, I thought the indie rock scene was small-minded and purist...

posted by James Russell | 4:06 PM

what the critics have said