Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Friday, April 11, 2003  

Council votes in favour of Hell.

A DEVIL of a fuss is being made in a central Queensland city over whether its streetlights spell the word 'hell'.
According to urban legend, Rockhampton's streetlights spell out HELL when viewed with creative licence from the top of nearby Mount Archer.
A council committee put forward a proposal to consider spending up to $60,000 on more lights to add an `o', turning "hell" into "hello".
But a meeting of Rockhampton City Council overnight voted to take no further action on the matter due to the expense.

I'd like to say that only in America would a city council even think of going to that extent, but sadly I can't...

posted by James Russell | 8:09 PM

what the critics have said