Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Wednesday, April 16, 2003  

I don't fucking think so, thank you very much.

We bloggers spend so much time, energy, and emotional effort revealing the most intimate details of our lives on our websites ... and yet most of us balk at showing a few square inches of skin.
What do we have to hide if we're supposedly letting it all hang out via our weblogs?
That's the purpose of this project: to challenge people's assumptions (both our readers' and our own) about what's really involved in revealing oneself via the blog medium, and to examine our own hang-ups about exposing ourselves on the Web. (And to have fun, too. None of this is meant to be taken that seriously.)

NOBODY needs to be looking at my penis, least of all on the Internet. You'll forgive me if I sit this one out.

posted by James Russell | 3:40 PM

what the critics have said