Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Wednesday, April 16, 2003  

James Cameron comes in on 90th day of nine-day wonder (with apologies to Alfred Hitchcock).

Titanic director James Cameron is to film his next blockbuster in 3D.
Cameron, who also directed Terminator 2 and The Abyss, has just released documentary Ghosts of the Abyss - about returning to the Titanic.
And he revealed his next big movie project will be filmed in the same way, with audience members wearing special glasses.
Cameron told the Daily Record: "We've been messing about with this hi-tech equipment and we want to make more use of what we've learned."
He adds that fans can expect his new film project in about two years time.

posted by James Russell | 3:12 PM

what the critics have said