Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Tuesday, April 01, 2003  

Man banned from Canberra. Which some people might say was no great loss for him, but I suspect the people of Canberra will be happy to see the back of him...

An anti-war protester has been banned from the ACT for a year after it was discovered he was planning to shoot at Parliament House.
Police found 42-year-old Darren Siems with guns and anti-war notes less than a kilometre from Parliament House in Canberra.
The ACT Magistrate's Court heard one of the notes said he would fire warning shots at the building and allow 10 minutes for people to evacuate before opening fire. [...]
The court heard Siems has a mental illness, with his mother saying the actions were out of character.

It will no doubt be a matter of minutes before the right wing starts to hysterically scream about how this avowed lunatic represents the violence and hate inherent in the anti-war movement and how they all pose a similar danger to everyone...

posted by James Russell | 3:21 PM

what the critics have said