Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Thursday, April 10, 2003  

Tim Stevens is puzzled (permalink not working yet; try republishing your archives, Tim).

ADAM from the Supermercado Project proves he has considerable taste in music with his suggested Rage list. Though, I have my doubts about this one: Wuthering Heights - Kate Bush.

Methinks Tim is not enamoured of odd pop songs about strange 19th century novels sung by women with high voices. I like it, though, and Kate Bush surely was a major babe (and hardly unattractive still, if the recent photo of her in Mojo magazine's February issue is any indication). In the unlikely event that I ever get to guest program Rage (which would probably entail forming a band and becoming famous first). "Wuthering Heights" is a video I'd consider...

posted by James Russell | 7:44 PM

what the critics have said