Hot Buttered Death
the southern white crap that talks back
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Wednesday, April 16, 2003  

Tony Blair: typical bloody man.

Tony Blair may be a hardworking Prime Minister, but his wife has revealed his housekeeping skills leave a lot to be desired.
Cherie Blair is in Australia to attend several conferences and to give a lecture next week at Perth's Edith Cowan University.
During a speech on women and human rights in Melbourne, she said that while more women now work in countries like Australia and Britain, they still have primary responsibility for housekeeping and child rearing.
To general amusement, Mrs Blair explained: "I am always quite astonished when I read surveys about how many hours (of housework) men are supposed to do, because in my experience they don't do any at all."

posted by James Russell | 3:10 PM

what the critics have said